The Turning Point (1977) is a captivating film that intricately weaves the lives of two women dedicated to the world of ballet. This engaging story focuses on Deedee, played by Shirley MacLaine, who once had a promising dance career. However, her life took a different direction as she chose to become a devoted wife and mother. Now, she runs a ballet school in Oklahoma, nurturing the next generation of dancers.
On the other hand, we have Emma, portrayed by Anne Bancroft, who remained with a prestigious company and achieved stardom, although her prime is nearing its end. The film beautifully contrasts these two characters, showcasing their aspirations and regrets as they reflect on the choices they made throughout their lives. Each woman yearns for what the other possesses, leading to a profound exploration of ambition, sacrifice, and the passage of time.
This DVD edition includes the film in English, with removable subtitles in both English and Korean, allowing for a wider audience to appreciate this timeless story. Korean subtitles will play automatically, but viewers can easily change the subtitle settings using the remote control. The DVD is compatible with Region 0, meaning it can be played on any DVD player worldwide, ensuring that no viewer misses out on this cinematic gem.
Running for 119 minutes, The Turning Point immerses the audience in its rich narrative and emotional depth. The film’s presentation is enhanced with clear visuals and sound, enabling viewers to fully engage with the performances of MacLaine and Bancroft. Whether you are a long-time fan of ballet or simply enjoy poignant storytelling, this film is sure to resonate.
To navigate the DVD features, users can utilize the remote control guide provided. For instance, if you wish to remove or choose subtitles, simply click the ‘subtitle’ button on your DVD player remote. A menu will appear on the screen, providing options for your preferred viewing experience. If you encounter any issues with sound, pressing the ‘audio’ or ‘language’ button will allow you to adjust the settings and enjoy the film without interruption.
Format | DVD |
Language | English |
Subtitles | English, Korean (removable) |
Region | Region 0 (All) |
Running Time | 119 min |
In conclusion, The Turning Point is not just a film about ballet; it is a profound exploration of the choices that define our lives. With powerful performances by its lead actresses and a compelling storyline, this DVD is a must-have for any film enthusiast’s collection. Enjoy the journey through the world of dance, ambition, and the intertwined destinies of two remarkable women.